On Wednesday, David had a meeting after work to attend, so Christopher & I had dinner with my friend Denise at Chick-fil-A before church. Usually, Christopher's only attraction to Chick-fil-A is their playground & has refused to eat their food - but on this day, Christopher announced that he was going to eat chicken nuggets there...and HE DID! WOW! Perhaps we're reaching a turning point in our picky-eating struggle!
We lost track of time at dinner & were late leaving for church. On the way, Christopher asked from the backseat if we were still going to Cubbies (the preschool part of AWANA). When I told him we were, he said, "Thank you, Mommy! I really appreciate that!" I was blown away...I'd never heard him use the word "appreciate" before!
Today was a lazy day for us. I did some work for my Avon business at home (in my jammies, no less!) while Christopher played quietly in the house. We enjoyed lunch together at home. It was just an odinary day - nothing of any exception to share, just that I'm thankful that I'm able to have this experience with him. If God had not closed & dead-bolted the door on teaching for me, we might have gone back to the "guaranteed paycheck" option that we thought teaching was and Christopher would have spent this day with a babysitter, rather than at home with his Mommy!
Every time he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight or gives me one of his sweet kisses, I'm just so thankful for the opportunity to be his Mommy! He is such a blessing in my life! :)
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